Oleksandr Vivtonenko
DevOps Engineer | Tech Enthusiast | Software Engineer

Hey there, I'm San.

My name is Oleksandr (San) Vivtonenko. I am a dedicated software engineer with a strong passion for security matters. My current focus revolves around researching Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud solutions and mastering DevOps tools such as Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes (k8s), Terraform. I am also diligently studying AWS services, including S3, RDS, IAM, Lambda, ECS, and CloudWatch, as well as delving into topics like virtualization and CloudFormation.

My journey into the realm of IT began as a hobby during my time in High School, which included tasks like configuring Linux on desktops and troubleshooting network drivers. This early interest evolved as I ventured into daily coding, self-educating in HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. Subsequently, I broadened my programming expertise to encompass PHP and web development. My curiosity then led me towards the captivating field of cybersecurity, and after completing High School, I was fortunate to be invited to an internship within a pentesting team by a senior colleague.

During the course of this internship, my desire for a deeper understanding of foundational technical concepts grew, prompting me to enroll in an institute. As a Software Engineering student, I embarked on a journey of learning C++, Java, and Python programming languages. My proficiency in both frontend and backend development expanded through hands-on experience with Node, React, and various APIs. I adeptly managed databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. My passion for cybersecurity remained constant, and I even pursued an additional cybersecurity course during the latter half of my bachelor's degree.

As I neared the conclusion of this educational journey, the realm of cloud computing and the DevOps landscape profoundly captivated my attention. Armed with an amalgamation of technical knowledge, I now possess the capabilities to effectively apply my skills in the capacity of a DevOps engineer or related roles. Presently, I am actively seeking a full-time engagement as a DevOps engineer within a company. This quest is driven by my aspiration to leverage my acquired proficiencies to contribute to the company's triumph and prosperity.

Work History & Education

May - Aug 2023
AWS re/Start Student with YES (Youth Employment Services) company

Dec 2022 - Present
Self learning Cloud Pet Projects

Mar 2022 - Mar 2023
HackerU Student, CyberSecurity Course, Bachelor's re-education

Sep 2019 - Jul 2023
Student at University - Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Bachelor's of Saftware Engineering

Apr 2019 - Aug 2019
PrivatBank, Intern Pentest Team



Operating Systems

Programming Languages

Project Management

Products & Tools


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